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Michael & Rosanna
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We're Rosanna & Michael. We are humbled by your courage and love. If we are lucky enough to be chosen by you, we promise to provide a safe, nurturing, and loving home for your child, full of wonder and magic. Adoption has always been a part of our plan. We’ve dreamt of creating and expanding our family based on love and common good values. Your courage gives us hope that we’ll have the chance to build the family we’ve always dreamed of.

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We met through magic. No really, quite literally, we met at a convention for Magicians, where we made the rest of the room *disappear* and were inseparable ever since. We bonded over (you guessed it!), hamburgers. Sharing a love for comfort food, magic, and curiosity for adventure, we grew our life together. We couldn't get enough of each other, coining the phrase "Superdate", so the fun never had to end. After a hike, instead of going home we'd end up out for lunch, only to find an excuse to do something else after, and at that point we might as well finish the day at Disneyland for some fireworks. See? Superdate. We've kept our spontaneity and sense of adventure by taking trips a few times a year, often internationally as we love to experience different cultures and cuisines. Life together is truly magical.

Meet Rosanna:

I come from a big loud loving family and grew up speaking Cantonese at home. Friends describe me as a kind and empathetic person, and a great listener.
I’m a Photo Manager for Warner Bros. It has been exciting and fun to work on TV shows! I work from home a couple days a week so I get the best of both worlds (sweatpants on some days and socializing on the others!). On days off, I love trying new restaurants, creating pottery and playing board games with friends.
I hope to instill in my future child a strong sense of self, the tools required to navigate life, and unwavering support and love. We’ll have the opportunities to visit our extended family all over the world while getting to explore different cultures. I can’t wait to see them make up their own little songs, dances and quirky habits along the way.

Rosanna (by Michael):

Rosanna has endless curiosity, strength beyond measure, and a soft sweet heart. She is pure love, and her soul emanates joy and happiness. She’s that person who decorated everyone’s locker at school, and now their office at work for birthdays. She’s the best friend you could ever ask for. Everyone who knows her loves her, and it’s easy to see why. She loves children and has a natural nurturing instinct. It’s something I’ve admired about her since we met. Rosanna’s hobbies are endless. From surfing, to knitting, to foraging and farming, there’s nothing she won't try. It’s unbelievably admirable. I can’t wait for her to encourage our future child to try everything as well.

Meet Michael:

While growing up in New York, I was encouraged to follow my passions and hobbies, which are music, movies, and technology. I studied Computer Science & Media in college while touring with a pop punk band on weekends, and then moved to Los Angeles for my career.
I’m an Animated Film Editor, and spent over a decade at Disney Animation working on movies including Frozen, Big Hero 6, and Zootopia. It’s been an incredible dream come true to create films that make children smile and sing along. I can’t wait to share them with our future child someday.
Outside of work, I love to continue to explore hobbies such as magic, tea, theme parks, music, cooking, and traveling.

Michael (by Rosanna):

Michael wins for kindest human. He has taught me so much about patience, taking my time and enjoying the moment. He has a boyish excitement and enthusiasm for amusement parks and thrill rides. He is braver than I am with heights and roller coasters but always willing to hold my hand if I dare to face my fears.
Michael is kindhearted, playful and a great listener, especially with children. When he interacts with them, he treats them as equals and shares their curiosity.
He has mentioned that he wants to live life again through a child’s eye and becoming a dad has always been a dream of his. He brings a lot to the table and will make an amazing father. His warmth, silly jokes and laughter are contagious.

Fun Facts & Favorites:
• Favorite Holiday: Rosanna - Lunar New Year, Michael - Halloween
• Favorite Vacation Spot: Both - Japan
• Number of Countries Visited: Rosanna - 13, Michael - 16
• Favorite Meal: Rosanna - Thanksgiving, Michael - Soup!
• Guilty Pleasure: Both - Reality TV
• Dream Job: Rosanna - Farmer, Michael - Imagineer
• Hogwarts House: Rosanna - Hufflepuff, Michael - Ravenclaw

Our Home:

We live in Los Angeles, California, just north of the Hollywood sign. Most days, we enjoy having a tea or latte in our breakfast nook while sharing our plans and thoughts for the day. Rosanna is a master decorator, and always spruces up our home with seasonal decor. Our neighborhood is filled with fruit trees and we love collecting a harvest from neighbors on our daily walks. We live across the street from a wonderful school that has an organic garden and a chicken coop!

Thoughts on Parenting:

We believe in instilling good values, taking the best practices from both our upbringings. We want to teach our future child to be strong but know it’s okay to have weak moments. To have fears but conquer them anyway. To know they are loved beyond measure and have a strong support system.
We think open adoption is ultimately best for all parties and gives the child a good sense of self so that there is no confusion of their story (in which they, and you, are the hero) from the very beginning. We promise to instill a sense of joy for the little things, empathy towards others, to laugh often, and to dance and sing freely.

In Closing:

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. Our hearts are open. We know this decision is impossible and we can only imagine what you must be feeling. We hope we have eased some of your worries and that we can work together to give your child a strong loving home. Adoption is the beginning of a journey for us and we are looking forward to a lifetime of living and loving as a family.

To learn more about a family,
Call Vista Del Mar
(310) 836-1223 ext 281