Create a legacy through popular and simple ways to leave a gift that supports Vista Del Mar
planned giving

For many of us, there is a compelling need to make a difference—to leave a lasting impact on our friends and family, and the world in which we live. At Vista Del Mar, we provide a trauma-responsive continuum of services to empower children, youth, and families in Southern California to lead fulfilling lives. Your legacy gift can help us continue our mission and provide empowerment, equity, and excellence. There are several easy ways to make an impactful gift that not only helps the next generation of youth and families but could help you, your estate and your heirs.

Leave a Legacy

Please begin the process by contacting Brenda Thompson. A brief follow up call will determine area of interest based on need, and an interview will be set-up with Vista’s Mentor/Volunteer Coordinator to determine if there is an appropriate match. It is vitally important that all prospective volunteers are placed in the appropriate opportunity. Upon completion of a successful interview process, each volunteer will attend an information session, complete the application below, and pass a background check and TB test.All Information Sessions will take place at the Vista Del Mar Campus in the Administration Building. Specific directions will be emailed upon confirmation of attendance at one of these sessions.

A bequest is a gift provision in your will or revocable living trust. All assets, including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property, may be transferred to Vista Del Mar at the end of your life. Making a bequest is perhaps the easiest and most flexible way to support Vista Del Mar. You maintain complete control of your assets during your lifetime, and you also determine how you will impact the Vista Del Mar community. It also can enable you to achieve your financial goals and may save on capital gains taxes and estate taxes.

If you are age 70½ or older, an IRA Charitable Rollover, otherwise known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD, allows you to contribute up to$100,000 from your IRA each year directly to Vista Del Mar with no tax on the withdrawal. If you are subject to a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), your QCD contribution can help meet your RMD without increasing your taxable income.

Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States. With a DAF you may contribute a large sum to establish the fund and then over time you can recommend grants from your DAF to the organizations you wish to support, like Vista Del Mar. DAF contributions are popular at yearend since it makes your giving easy.

As always, your own advisors are in the best position to help you determine what would be most appropriate for you. We are available to work with you and your advisors as you consider gift options. Remember that some gifts can take longer to accomplish, so please be aware of timing if you are interested in meeting a yearend deadline.

Support Vista Del Mar Without Changing Your Will

A simple way you can support Vista Del Mar and fulfill your philanthropic vision is to name Vista Del Mar as the beneficiary of your:

  • Retirement plans, such as an IRA, your 401(k), 403(b), etc.
  • Bank and brokerage accounts, or
  • Paid-up life insurance policy

Beneficiary designations let you specify the individuals and charities you want to support, and the percentage of the assets you want each beneficiary to receive, without changing your will or living trust.

This gift is not subject to income or estate tax and it’s as easy as filling out a form. You can obtain a change of beneficiary form by contacting your retirement plan administrator. The form takes just a few minutes to complete, yet the impact of your gift will be realized by Vista Del Mar for generations to come.

For more information on beneficiary designations or other legacy gifts, or if you have any questions, please contact Susan Reardon:
or call
(323) 643-3130