All you need is an open heart and a loving home to change the world one child at a time...
adoption and fostercare
Writer, producer, and actor, Dan Bucatinsky and family

We are the oldest and most trusted adoption agency in Southern California. We are licensed, accredited, approved, and nationally recognized as a leader in the field of adoption. Our Adoption Program encompasses Foster Care and Foster and Adoption, International Services, and Domestic Infant Adoption including birth parent options counseling and support services.

But here's what will matter to you most:
Our Honesty

Our knowledge of the intricacies, issues, processes, and regulations of adoption and our understanding of what brings you to adoption.

Our Compassion

In recognition of what you have experienced and with great compassion, we can guide and support you through the process like no one else.


We welcome all clients regardless of gender, race, age, religion, marital status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, expression, or identity.

Types of Adoption Services

If your heart’s desire is to parent a child from birth, then this program is for you. Our adoption specialists will assist you throughout the entire adoption process from your first inquiry to finalization and beyond.

Our services include:

  • Free Monthly Orientations
  • Pre-Adoption Workshops
  • Home Study Services
  • Hosted Online Profiles for our Prospective Adoptive Parents
  • Counseling and Support for Birth Parents
  • Birth Parent Advisement
  • Birth Parent Relinquishment and Termination of Birth Father Rights
  • ICPC (Interstate Compact Services)
  • Post Placement Supervision
  • Preparation of Court Documents
  • Post Adoption Services
  • Cooperative Adoptions with Attorneys and Facilitators
  • Adoption Service Provider (ASP)
  • Adoption Assistance Program (AAP)

For more information, please contact (310) 836-1223 x 281 or email

Private Infant FAQs
How do I decide if adoption is right for me?

If you are pregnant, you will be faced with choices that can profoundly affect you, your family and your future. Our counselors will provide emotional support to help you evaluate all of you options so you can make the right choice for you and your child.

What is the difference between open adoption and closed adoption?

An open adoption is when the birth parents and the adoptive family have the opportunity to get to know each other. You choose the family that you want to parent your child.

A closed adoption is when both the birth parents and adoptive parents choose not to meet, have contact or exchange indentifying information. If you prefer, you can have Vista Del Mar choose the family for you based on the information that you have provided about the family you want for your baby.

Our counselors can help you decide which type of adoption is best for you.

Can I choose the adoptive family?

Yes! At Vista Del Mar the decision is yours. You will have the opportunity to look at profiles, talk over the phone and meet in person to choose the adoptive family.

Can I get information about my child later?

Yes. In an open adoption it is possible to keep in touch with the adoptive family throughout your child's life. We will help you select a family who shares your vision of openness for the future.

How much will it cost?

There is no cost to you. All of our services that we provide to you are completely free. In addition, adoptive parents may cover pregnancy related expenses, such as medical expenses, maternity clothing, housing and transportation.

Does Vista work with pregnant women outside of California?

Yes. We work with pregnant women throughout the U.S. and can connect you with adoptive families in California.

24 HOUR BIRTH PARENT LINE: (310) 994-3392

If you are pregnant and want to know about your options, we are here to help.

Know that you are not alone. More than half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned and for some women, neither timing nor their life circumstances makes it feel like it’s the right time for them to become parents.

All of our services to pregnant women are free.

We are here to help and support you no matter the choice you make, whether you choose to parent, discontinue your pregnancy or make an adoption plan, we are here to help you.

If you decide to make an adoption plan, we will assist you through the entire adoption process. We will help you choose the family that you want to adopt your child and that will share the same vision as you for an ongoing relationship into the future.

Our experienced staff can provide you with hassle free assistance in the following areas: Counseling, Community Referrals, Hospital Planning, and Financial Support for those pregnancy-related expenses provided by law.

Please call or text us at (310) 994-3392 or email to see how we can help you.

Birth Parents FAQs
How do I decide if adoption is right for me?

If you are pregnant, you will be faced with choices that can profoundly affect you, your family and your future. Our counselors will provide emotional support to help you evaluate all of you options so you can make the right choice for you and your child.

What is the difference between open adoption and closed adoption?

An open adoption is when the birth parents and the adoptive family have the opportunity to get to know each other. You choose the family that you want to parent your child.

A closed adoption is when both the birth parents and adoptive parents choose not to meet, have contact or exchange indentifying information. If you prefer, you can have Vista Del Mar choose the family for you based on the information that you have provided about the family you want for your baby.

Our counselors can help you decide which type of adoption is best for you.

Can I choose the adoptive family?

Yes! At Vista Del Mar the decision is yours. You will have the opportunity to look at profiles, talk over the phone and meet in person to choose the adoptive family.

Can I get information about my child later?

Yes. In an open adoption it is possible to keep in touch with the adoptive family throughout your child's life. We will help you select a family who shares your vision of openness for the future.

How much will it cost?

There is no cost to you. All of our services that we provide to you are completely free. In addition, adoptive parents may cover pregnancy related expenses, such as medical expenses, maternity clothing, housing and transportation.

Does Vista work with pregnant women outside of California?

Yes. We work with pregnant women throughout the U.S. and can connect you with adoptive families in California.

If you’re drawn to a particular country or culture and wish to adopt a child older than two years old, this program can help you build your family. There are a number of countries that work with U.S. couples hoping to adopt, so identifying which country works best for your family is usually the first step.

We are licensed with the State of California, Department of Social Services. Vista Social Workers provide home study, home study updates, and post placement/adoption services to all California families who are adopting internationally.

We have partnered with several accredited U.S. placing agencies in both Hague and Non-Hague countries that have programs in: Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Marshall Islands, Moldova, Nigeria, Philippines, Pakistan, Romania, and Ukraine.

In partnership with a placing agency we connect you with, Vista provides the home study and post placement/post adoption services, including re-adoption/finalization services, support groups and counseling.


It is now a mandatory requirement that 10-12 hours of education be completed before you receive an approved home study report, and we will help you in meeting those educational requirements.

We have created a one-day educational program, to navigate the lifelong journey of parenting international adoptees, instilling essential skills to encourage your child to reach their highest potential. As a Vista family, we are always here to guide you through your adoption process in the years to come.

For an individualized orientation, please call Angelica Jones to schedule: (310) 836-1223 x 409 or email All orientations are offered free of charge.

International Adoption FAQs
How many international adoption home studies does Vista Del Mar complete in a year?

On average Vista Del Mar completes 15-30 home studies during one year.

How much does a home study cost?

For an international adoption home study, there is a $500 non-refundable application fee. The home study fee is $2850. These fees do not include miscellaneous costs such as California Department of Justice live scan fingerprinting, medical appointments, home study notaries, immigration filings, immigration fingerprint clearances, placing agency fees and travel expenses.

How long does the home study process take?

The home study process, which entails completion of the required paperwork, education classes and three to four face-to-face contacts (dependent upon which country you are adopting from), takes between 8 and 12 weeks to complete.

What paperwork do I need to complete?

In general you will need to provide documentation regarding employment, health, financial and criminal, child/abuse neglect and FBI clearances.

I was arrested 10 years ago for driving under the influence, or I have chronic medical issue, can I adopt internationally?

Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to adopt internationally. Since Adoptions at Vista Del Mar will be contracted to complete the home study, your placing agency will make the final determination regarding a past arrest or medical issue. Vista Del Mar is a full disclosure agency. All issues, related to but not limited arrests, medical issues, domestic partnerships and mental health issues will be disclosed in the home study narrative. Supporting documentation may be requested regarding these issues.

What do I do after my home study is complete?

Once your home study has been completed, you will receive three packets:

  • Packet 1 includes the notarized home study and agency licenses that have been requested by your placing agency;
  • Packet 2 includes a notarized home study, a copy of Vista Del Mar’s agency license and a copy of your social worker’s license or master’s degree that will need to be filed with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; and
  • Packet 3 includes a copy of your final home study for your files.
    Each packet is labeled with instructions as to what will need to be completed.
How long does it take to get an approval from U.S. citizenship and immigration services?

Time frames for obtaining the approval vary greatly. Currently it is taking 2-3 months for U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to process the request and submit an approval.

Do we have to do post placement visits with a social worker?

If your placing agency and country requires post placement/post adoption supervision, Vista Del Mar will be able to provide this service. Depending on the country as well as the placing agency, post placement/post adoption visits will vary in terms of number of visits needed.

What is re-adoption and do we have to do it?

Re-adoption is the process where the adoption is put on record in the State of California Bureau of Vital Statistics. You will receive a California Amended Birth certificate and adopt-215 (adoption decree) indicating the re-adoption. The process of re-adoption requires one visit from a social worker, completion of a report and court documents preparation.


Intercountry Adoptions Finalized in a Foreign Country

This law requires the families that adoptions finalized abroad require them to re-adopt the child in their State of residence. Vista provides this service once you return home with your child.

I'm interested in pursuing an infant domestic adoption as well. Can I do both?

Yes, the Adoption Program at Vista allows you to pursue both a domestic and international adoption at the same time. There may be some restrictions so please let us know if you would like more information about this option.

Everyday hundreds of children are brought into the foster care system in Los Angeles County. They come from all walks of life, often from family situations where they have experienced neglect and physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.

Our Foster programs include:

Once approved, Resource Parents (foster parents) will start the process by fostering children who have been detained from their biological family. They may be in your home for a few days, weeks, or months. In most cases, the biological family has 18 months to two years to reunify with their child. If reunification does not happen, you will have the opportunity to move forward with adoption. If you decide not to adopt, you will be an integral part of transitioning the child into an adoptive placement with another Resource Family.

Once you have fostered children for a minimum of six months with our agency (and if you are open to a child over the age of six), you will be eligible to match with children who have already been identified by the county as ready for an adoptive home. This is referred to as the matching list.

There are many children on the matching list. The majority are children of color and sibling groups who have experienced unimaginable trauma and loss. These adverse childhood experiences often result in difficulty regulating emotions and survival behaviors that can prove challenging. They typically qualify for wraparound services where a clinical team works one-on-one with the child to help them process and heal from their trauma. The team is also there to support you and the stability of the placement. Depending on their level of need, the child may qualify for Intensive Service Foster Care (ISFC). This higher level of care also includes a larger professional social work team and 24-hour on-call support from skilled clinicians. The ISFC program requires 40 extra hours of training for our Resource Parents as well as flexibility for additional team meetings and appointments.

To learn more about foster care programs or become a foster parent, call (310) 836-1223 x 409 or email

Foster Care FAQs
What are some of the responsibilities of a foster parent?

Foster parents are to provide children and youth with a safe, stable, nurturing and loving environment during a very difficult time in the child’s life, for as long as the child will be living there. Foster parents transport children to and from medical appointments, school functions and visits. Every child in foster care has a service plan that foster parents, Vista Del Mar staff, the county child welfare worker, and the child(if old enough) all develop together. Placement goals include permanency outcomes, community integration, meeting the medical and dental needs of the children, reducing and eliminating inappropriate behaviors, and supporting the child’s educational needs.

Who are the children placed in foster care?

Children are between 0-21 years old and have usually been removed from families for reasons of physical and/or emotional abuse, neglect, maltreatment or family crisis.

How long do children stay in a foster home?

Foster children may stay in care from a few days up to many months. In some cases, foster children might stay for years. The goal in every case is to work towards building a stable, permanent relationship. Possibilities include reunification with biological family, or adoption. Foster families may adopt their foster children if adoption becomes the child’s plan.

Do foster parents receive funding?

Foster and adoptive parents receive a monthly reimbursement determined by the child’s age and program placement. These funds reimburse foster parents for a portion of the cost of the foster child’s room, board, clothing, transportation and other incidentals. Foster parent reimbursements are not considered taxable income by the IRS or the state of CA.

Who provides health and dental care for foster youth?

Medi-Cal fully covers a foster child’s medical and dental care. Foster parents must keep every foster child current on all medical and dental appointments and vaccinations.

Does a foster child need his/her own room?

State regulations require that no more than two children of the same gender and within five years of age may share a room. Each child must have his or her own bed, closet space and dresser. A foster child may not share a room with an adult (18+) unless the child is under 2 years of age.

What are Vista's requirements and qualifications to become a Vista foster parent?
  • Foster parents must be over the age of 21 and physically able to work with children.
  • Foster parents must allow Vista to run criminal background and child abuse checks.
  • Foster parents must also:

Have a stable home and income
Maintain a drug free environment
Be CPR and first aid certified
Complete all required training

What does Vista Del Mar look for in a foster parent?

We look for people who are able to:

  • Provide a loving, nurturing, and safe family
  • Help the child stay connected to supports that are in their best interests
  • Provide children with opportunities to develop their interests
  • Speak respectfully about the child’s birth family
  • Help the child keep their relationships and possessions intact
  • Help children heal, grow, succeed, and feel connected, safe, and loved
    Work as a member of the child’s team

Foster parents DO NOT have to be:

  • Married
  • Homeowners
  • Rich
  • Of any particular race, gender, gender expression, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
Contact our Adoption Services: Email a Councelor
or call
(310) 836-1223 ext 409
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