To help you navigate to the information you are looking for, we created this FAQ page to link you to content. Do you have a question we are not answering here, or are you looking for something on the site? Contact us for any questions you may be having difficulty finding the answers to here on the website, we are here and happy to help.
Sponsors one month of transportation for five students from underserved communities to Vista School
10% discount on Vista Special Events
Invitation to an executive briefing with the CEO
Access to a free Outpatient Services Consultation
Reiss-Davis Graduate School offers a PsyD (Doctoral of Psychology) degree.
Yes, Reiss-Davis Graduate School offers the PsyD in Psychodynamic Child Psychology and Psychotherapy.
Yes. Both scholarships and federal financial aid are available to eligible students. For more information, visit: Reiss-Davis Graduate School is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission:
Tuition rates are announced in the spring just prior to the deadline for fall applications. For more information, visit: