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Welcome & Hello!

Thank you so much for stopping by my page. I am excited to share a bit of who I am with you. I imagine this is a very difficult time for you. I find your courage and bravery during this journey to be inspiring. I greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to learn about my life and how much your child will be loved as we build our family, encouraging and supporting them in a safe and open space.

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The most important thing to me is family. Since I was a child, I have always known that I wanted nothing more in life than to be a mom. I was raised in a suburban New York town in a very loving and supportive environment by parents who always put their children before anything else, affording us everything they possibly could. I look forward to raising our child in the same manner. I adore the holidays, each one having a built-in tradition surrounding it. On Halloween a group of close friends gather with their children and we take them trick or treating. I spend Thanksgiving with that same group. December holidays are spent with my parents, siblings and their families. We have a Christmas Eve tradition of having a big meal, opening presents and playing games. I can’t wait to introduce this little one to my family and pass these traditions along while creating new ones with them.

Career, A Baby & Support:

I work as an Assistant Production Coordinator in the production office on various films and television shows. Working freelance allows me the flexibility to take time off to care for and bond with a baby. I have a great support system, as my parents are both retired and looking forward to spending as much time as possible with us. My friends are eagerly awaiting to help out and shower love upon our baby. I have a wonderful network of single moms who have come together over the last few years sharing resources and support.

Family, Friends & Community:

Family: My sister, brother and I grew up in a very loving household in a quiet neighborhood where we knew our neighbors and everyone looked out for each other. We spent a lot of time playing outside – riding bikes, sledding in the winter, going to camp in the summer. As a family, we spent hours playing board games and doing puzzles. Rummikub is still a favorite. We play it any chance we get. We even travel with it! Growing up we would pile in the car in our pajamas with our sleeping bags and head over to the drive-in to watch the latest movie. We spent summers at the local lake. Every year we made the trip to visit my grandparents, aunts and cousins. We would spend time going to the amusement park, having barbecues and sleep overs. I am still close with my aunt and cousins. It is very important to me that any child I am blessed to love has all these experiences and adventures in their life.

Friends: I feel very fortunate as I have two incredible friend groups – the friends I have made here in California and my childhood and college friends, most of who are back East. All of whom are very supportive and excited for me as I go on this journey to motherhood. My friends’ children refer to me as Aunt Ellen. I look forward to the day when our child will be here, sharing in and having the same support and love of my extended friend family.

Community: I currently live in a suburb of Los Angeles that reminds me very much of where I grew up. My neighbors are friendly, engaging and involved. I live within walking distance of restaurants and parks. I enjoy riding my bike and going on walks.

Hobbies & Interests I Enjoy:

I love to read, write, knit, go to concerts, enjoy brunch with friends. I grew up swimming and still love it to this day. In fact, anything having to do with water I am a big fan of. Spending summers at the lake fishing, kayaking, tubing. I love hockey and baseball. There is nothing like watching a live game with the energy of the fans in a packed stadium. Travel is a very big part of my life and I make sure to take time every year to go on at least one trip.

My Personal Beliefs, Values & How I Plan to Parent:

I was taught to be a loving, kind, empathetic person. I was raised to be loyal, compassionate, grateful, responsible, considerate and respectful of both myself and others. My core values and beliefs I learned from my parents and I look forward to passing the same beliefs down to my child. It is vitally important to me that the morals and traditions I was raised with, the activities I participated in, everything that I was lucky enough to have gifted to me in my life, be afforded to this child. It is equally important to me that they grow up surrounded by and incorporating your/their heritage into our lives. I look forward to learning about it right beside them.

Education: A good education is extremely important. Some of my best years and experiences were during the four years I spent in college studying theatre. I met some of the best people in college who are still some of my closest friends today. I want our child to have that same sense of learning and comradery.

One Last Thought…

I was and am surrounded with so much love and so many opportunities. I am beyond excited for your child to have all these things and more as they grow, learn, explore and form their own likes and interests through their experiences.

I support whatever your needs are and am available should you have any questions or would like to know more. Thank you again for taking a little time out of your day to learn a bit about me. I wish you the very best in your birth plan and hope to be part of it.

To learn more about a family,
Call Vista Del Mar
(310) 836-1223 ext 281