Aaron & Susan
find a family

Welcome and thank you for considering our family to love, nurture, and cherish your child! It is our intention to teach all of our children that it is love, not blood or genetics, that make a family. We welcome you to be part of our family, to whatever extent feels comfortable for you. We believe that each child thrives best when surrounded by as much love and as many loving people as possible, while also understanding and honoring that we each have a unique journey in life. We intend to share with your child how much we admire your courage and strength to imagine a better life for your child, to make difficult sacrifices and decisions with grace. While we were not lucky enough to have your child born to us, we hope to be fortunate enough to nurture and raise your child, and to share our family with your child and you. Your child will always be an incredible gift to us. We honor this gift by ensuring that your child has the best education, the greatest opportunities for growth and development of their talents and interests, with loving role models to comfort and guide them to live their best possible life. We hope you will partner with us in this amazing journey, and we can't wait to meet you and to see the incredible life your child will enjoy.

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We met on a dating website which matches marriage-minded Jewish individuals.  We met in person on Balboa Island in Orange County, CA.  Aaron remembers seeing Susan as she drove up and thinking how her online profile pictures did not do her justice. Susan remembers how charming, funny, and engaging Aaron was, and felt as though she had known him for years after talking together for hours over a stroll around the island and lunch.  It was one of the most amazing moments of our lives!

What first attracted Aaron to Susan was her smile, kindness and intelligence. From the moment we met, Susan was open, honest, and confident about who she was and what she wanted. Aaron listened intently, with genuine interest, wonderful sense of humor, and a great desire to share in our dreams together. We were eager to build a relationship with trust, mutual respect, and good communication. Together we dreamed of welcoming children surrounded by love and community in Orange County.

Sections of Text about Each Other:

Susan is the warmest, most loving, and generous wife and mother I could ever hope for. She wakes up every day ready to be there for our children in every way possible. Whether it is preparing healthy meals for our kids, coming up with fun art projects for our youngest daughter, being a sounding board for the trials and tribulations of our teenage daughter, she always keeps a cheerful attitude and strives to do her best. Susan has always wanted to be a mom and from the first day I met her has wanted a partner who wanted to help her to grow her family. She is ready to see the next chapter in our family begin and we both hope that will start with you and your child.

Aaron is the most wonderful husband and father. He has a warm smile, great sense of humor, and genuine love of people. An introvert and an old soul, Aaron understands the unspoken needs of others and delights developing their inner potential. Whether reading to our children, planning the perfect vacation, grilling by the community swimming pool, or just relaxing and playing games at home, Aaron brings out the lighthearted laughter in all of us. He told me on our first date that he had always wanted to be a father, both of children born to us and children born for us. He was thrilled to become a father figure for Rachel when we married. Aaron exemplifies the warm and loving relationship possible with a family of choice. I especially adore how well Aaron and I partner together as equals to set the tone for our family.

For Individuals:

Aaron's family includes his parents who are college sweethearts married to each other over 51 years and living in Ventura, California, his older sister and her partner with 3 children of which 2 are adopted and living on the outskirts of Portland, Oregon, and his twin brother and his wife living in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Aaron's sister is also the birth mother of twins living in Huntsville, Alabama, and their entire family are an extended part of our family, and regularly visit.
Susan's family includes her parents who have been married to each other over 46 years, Susan's younger brother and his wife who live in Baltimore, Maryland with their 3 children, and Susan's sister who lives in Redondo Beach, California with her husband and four children. Susan also has a large extended family with her aunt and uncle and many cousins living in Arizona, and some cousins scattered across the county in various states including Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Connecticut.


Susan helps people through some of the toughest imaginable circumstances each day as an Internal Medicine physician. Aaron works with business and personal finances as a senior personal banker. We both love the ability to help people with aspects of their lives that we are both knowledgeable about and truly enjoy helping with. We are both looking forward to taking time off to be with your child as much as possible in the first few months they join our family. Once we return to our full time work schedules we have wonderful child care options locally that will help your child thrive.


We love spending time together as a family. We read books with Miriam, help Rachel with homework, practice karate, and cuddle under large blankets as we eat popcorn and watch movies. We also play a trading card game of strategy with Disney characters, and even attend tournaments. We share our meals together every night and openly share the highs and lows of our days, seeking each other's advice and problem solving together. We enjoy gardening together, and are now planting seedling which our children sprouted from their favorite fruits and vegetables. As we live in Orange County, California, we have wonderfully warm summers which are perfect for beach adventures, barbecues, and swimming in our community pool. The mountains are an easy hour drive to beautiful snowcapped peaks. We are also very close to Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, SeaWorld, and the San Diego Zoo, and feel grateful to live in a year-round vacation destination.

Interests & Hobbies:

We are a family that enjoys getting out and about. Whether stopping to smell the roses on our daily stroll through our neighborhood, hiking beautiful nature and beach trails bathed in Orange County, California sunshine, or enjoying our annual trip to at least 1 National Park, we find spending time in nature to be healing. We visit our local parks and libraries several times each week. On weekends we love to visit family and friends all over Southern California, which gives our children the gifts of joy and connection with a large and supportive family and friends across generations. We are Jewish, and we enjoy gathering with our family and friends each week to celebrate the Sabbath, as well as to celebrate our many holidays, with festive meals, songs, love, laughter, and amazing food from all over the world as a reflection of our diverse backgrounds. We are Jewish and our people are from all over the world.

Personal Values:

We go out for breakfast every Sunday at different restaurants, chosen by a different family member each week. We enjoy relaxing together over a great meal with even greater enjoyment of each other.
We honor our Sabbath on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings in synagogue. We pray, sing, and celebrate with our extended Jewish community, who have known our family since before our daughters were born. Our kids are so comfortable they even lead parts of the worship services with enthusiastic support from the community. As our children have 10 first cousins and counting, living all over the country, we look forward to family bar and bat mitzvahs at least yearly for the next 10 years, giving a wonderful opportunity for connection with a wealth of family members across generations to love, nurture and support each child, and many cousins close in age as built-in friends.
Our nightly walks in our neighborhood give us time to connect, wind down from the excitement of the day, enjoy the legendary California sunsets, the beauty of the park a few houses away, and our community of friendly neighborhood dog owners and their pets.


We both come from families of three children and have the perfect role models in our parents inspiring us to create a large family. From our first date, Aaron made clear his desire to have children born to us and for us. Aaron has enjoyed becoming a father figure for Rachel upon our marriage, and has demonstrated how warm and loving this relationship with a child of choice can be. We have also witnessed the beauty of a blended family as Aaron's sister was the birth mother of twins who were adopted to a wonderful couple that have become an integral part of our family over these past 12 years and remain close. Additionally, Aaron's sister and her partner fostered and then adopted 2 teenage boys who have been a wonderful part of our family too. After our daughter Miriam was born, we wanted to have more children as soon as possible, as we saw the incredible joy that she brought into our lives. Our dream of a large family is thus best lived through the gift that adoption can provide for us, for you and for your child.


Children thrive best when surrounded by love. We are grateful for your love and courage to dream of the best possible life for your child, and we welcome your presence in your child's life to the extent things feel comfortable. We promise to ensure your child is embraced by the love of our large, supportive family, and community. Reading is essential. We learn and share so much about our world, and one another through literacy. We value reading and education as tools to achieve dreams. Travel teaches us gratitude for our many blessings, understanding of other people, and creativity as we learn first-hand about different cultures, values, ways of life, music, and cuisine. Music, art, and humanities are large parts of our family's life. We enjoy singing, making, listening and dancing to music, crafting and visiting museums to encourage creative expression and appreciation of beauty. We look forward to sharing the beauty of this world with your child.

In Closing:

Thank you for reading and taking the time to get to know more about our family. We hope this brief glimpse at our lives inspires you to partner with us as we dream together about the extraordinary life made possible for your child through adoption. We hope to embrace your child with love, guidance and support, to ensure they live their best life. We look forward to providing your child with the opportunity to develop the beautiful gifts inside of them. We will always treasure the gift of their life.

To learn more about a family,
Call Vista Del Mar
(310) 836-1223 ext 281