
To the bravest birth mother I hope to meet, I want to first thank you from the deepest part of my heart for taking the time to read through my story. It takes a brave person to make a decision that not only changes their life but brings life to another. My name is Margarita, and I would like for you to get to know my family and I a little more. We are all very eager and overjoyed and hopeful towards welcoming your child into our family.

About Margarita

My family stands 10 strong, and those are a lot of hands ready to change diapers and give hugs and kisses to your little one, and not to mention all the extra cuddles your little one will get from my grandmother and aunts who live within walking distance from my home in beautiful Altadena California. My oldest sister Angelica and her husband Jose and their 3 children also live close by. My other 2 sisters Yuridia and Isabel live in Moreno Valley California which is about 1 hour away, but even with that distance we see each other quite frequently.

When I spoke with my family about adoption I was met with positivity, with smiles and hugs. My heart had such a feeling of joyousness that I was making the right choice. Living with my parents gives me the reassurance that your little one will be well taken care of while I work. My parents were very involved with my nieces and nephew’s upbringing. They often took them to school, to after school activities, and were their biggest cheerleaders at their soccer games. Much alike my grandparents were with me as a child. As a child I was surrounded with so much love, and happiness that I look forward to surrounding your little one with that same feeling.

My sisters and aunts have already begun to gift your little one many toys, clothes, mobiles for their crib or bassinet and their support have been very reassuring during this wait. My oldest siter has already volunteered to be your little one’s godmother but she is not the only one who has claimed this title. My grandmother is also very excited to bring your little one home as it will be her first great grandchild. She has begun to crochet a blanket with a matching beanie.

My parents when they arrived from Mexico they settled down in Altadena, and that is where my sisters and I were raised and where I have planned on raising your little one. What I like about my hometown is that it has recreational centers, hiking trails, libraries, and it is very diverse. During the fourth of July one could see the fireworks show from the Rose Bowl. My family and I have also participated together in decorating the floats for New Years at the Tournament of Roses House. My family and I spend a lot of time together and these special times is when my heart feels the most joyous. We all enjoy going on trips together, trying yummy new foods, playing Loteria (Mexican bingo) is a must at all our family gatherings. Having my family’s support further reassures me that I am ready to become a mother and share these experiences with a special little person.

I plan for the little one’s nursery to be in my bedroom. I want to be near them when he/she comes home. I want to be the first face your little one sees in the morning, and the last face they see before going to bed. I want to be near them when he/she cries to quickly comfort them. While most parents may dread sleepless nights due to middle of the night feedings, diaper changes. However, I cannot wait to experience every cry, every messy diaper change and every feeding.


I have worked as a Licensed Vocational Nurse for almost 5 years, and have worked in a hospital setting, Private Home Care Setting, and in Long Term Care. I have always been interested in the medical field working as a nurse in different spaces. I can proudly say I finally found a job in nursing that truly fulfills me and brings me immense joy in working for the Los Angeles Unified School District. I must say that working with children in a school setting can at times be very difficult, stressful and fast-paced, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. I love how a simple band-aid, a little reassurance, and encouragement can help them just glow with confidence. I am very fortunate to have the support from my family to help me care for your little one while I work. Working for LAUSD I am off work every weekend and major holidays (Christmas, New Year and Thanksgiving). My work schedule gives me the flexibility to spend as much time as I need when your little one comes home and while also allowing me to perform my job.

Personal Values:

As a child my parents always encouraged my siblings and I to do well in school. They would always try their best to attend back to school night, open house, plays or award ceremonies. I plan to do the same with your little one. It is essential for me and my family to surround your child with positivity, encouragement, consideration, and guidance to help them push through even if the road ahead is difficult. It is important to make a child feel safe and tell them how glad you are that they are with you. This is what my family and I will instill in your little one to be the best that they can be, and to go forward and be successful.
There were times in my childhood that I thought were a waste of a Saturday morning. Going to Saturday school for my First Communion and Confirmation was something I dreaded because it was a 2-year program, and I would complain to my grandmother and my mother how much I disliked it. I would protest the Christmas Season because that meant Posadas would begin. Posadas are traditionally a celebration of the Christmas story. Posadas typically begin 9 days before Christmas to reflect the Virgin Mary and saint Joseph’s search for a place to stay where Jesus could be born. My mom would always volunteer me to play the part of Mary. What I did enjoy was the hot cocoa and pan dulce (sweet bread) the host of one of the nine days would give to all those who attended the Posada.
However, now as an adult and hopeful parent I realize it’s importance. I realized these events are part of a beautiful tradition with an entire community celebrating together. Through religious education I learned how important it is to be empathetic and sympathetic towards all. It taught me that through prayer and belief anything is possible, and that one does not have to be “religious” or “spiritual” to be great in God’s eyes. I hope that one day your little one can look back at all these traditions when they are adults and have the same outlook as I do, and hopefully keep them going with their family.

It is important for me to:

I want you to know that your little one will be surrounded by so many loved ones to encourage him/her to be the best person they can be. I also want them to know where they came from and keeping in touch is important for me and for your little one. I understand that difficulties may occur, but I do not want that to be a barrier that prevents communication. I will be the biggest cheerleader at their sporting events whether he/she wins or loses. I will be there to help get him/her ready for prom, and those difficult and confusing teenage years. I want to be that catapult that will launch them to become successful, and a great human being. I want to teach them that everything that may be different is great, and to hopefully one day he/she will look back at their life and say it was great.
Though you and I have not met yet, I first want to thank you for taking the time to read my story. I want to thank you in advance for all the memories, holidays, birthdays, traditions, but most importantly LOVE. Love that you have given to me and my family for a lifetime with this wonderful gift of adopting your little one. I know promises at times can be difficult and at times impossible to keep, but I can promise you that I will love this baby for the rest of my life even when I am no longer on this earth.

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(310) 836-1223 ext 281