Jenny & Ian

Birth Mom:

Hi, we are thankful that you are taking the time to learn about us and we hope to learn
about you too. The opportunity that you are giving us to become the parents of your
child is something we have been dreaming about. We have built our lives together out
of love, support and kindness with the dream of having a child. We would be grateful for
your child to be a part of our loving family.

About Jenny & Ian

We somehow found each other online out of all the people in Los Angeles! For our first date we met to walk around and take photos in Griffith Park, Los Angeles. We actually got married in the same spot as our first date! What was planned to be short date turned into many hours, ending with dinner, a kiss and plans for a second date a few days later. We always had ideas for fun dates, from hiking in Joshua Tree National Park to exploring a neighborhood we hadn’t been to before. Our relationship grew out of kindness, laughter and shared experiences. We both grew up in households that value family dinners to talk about our days, traditions and connection. We have instilled these values into our marriage and our relationship continues to thrive. We are always looking forward to a new adventure, next great pizza and spending time with our friends and families.

About Jenny, by Ian:

Jenny is the kindest, most selfless and determined person I’ve
ever met. Jenny will always go out of her way to help me, her friends and her family.
Jenny is passionate about photography, exploration, and finding our next delicious
meal. These passions work out great for me because I love new experiences, cooking
and finding a new place for us to explore or restaurant for us to enjoy. Jenny’s kindness
and selflessness work perfectly for hosting dinner parties for friends and family.
Watching Jenny show love and kindness to me, our niece and nephews and all of our
friends’ children gives me confidence that she will be an incredible mother to our future
child. It brings me joy to see all of the children in our lives run up to Jenny and give her
a big hug whenever they see her. I know Jenny will give unconditional love and support
to our future child as she does for those already in her life.

About Ian, by Jenny:

Ian is an incredibly kind, smart and loving person. His sense of
adventure and humor fill our days with fun times. Most recently Ian planned a trip for us
to northern Vietnam. We traveled to remote villages with amazing landscapes and
stayed with local families. He loves to cook which works out great for me because I love
to eat! We also love to have friends and family over for big dinners that Ian usually
barbecues for. Ian’s curiosity as a scientist will translate beautifully into him being a
father. He has a sense of playfulness while also being extremely patient that is
wonderful to watch when he is spending time with our niece and nephews or friends’
children. He always makes me feel loved and looked out for and I know he will do the
same for our future child.


Ian has a background in science and engineering. He is currently a director in the
development of innovative cancer medicine. Working on cancer medications that will
save lives has been incredibly fulfilling for Ian. Jenny is an accomplished photographer
and also works in production for Wheel of Fortune. She has been lucky to photograph
everything from weddings to celebrities to beautiful landscapes in her photography
work. Ian works from home and Jenny’s job has an extremely flexible schedule making
it possible for her to be at home with our future child. We are lucky to have the option of
Jenny staying at home with our future child for the long term.


We live on a quiet, tree-lined cul-de-sac in Pasadena, a suburb of Los Angeles, where
we are lucky to know all our neighbors. Our neighborhood is family friendly, close to
parks, walking distance to our local library and perfect for taking evening walks. We
have a spacious home where we cook dinner together and play games by our fireplace.
We love to have friends and family over for barbecues and watch their children run
around our backyard and throughout the house.

Interests & Hobbies:

We enjoy cooking together, hosting friends and family, taking evening walks around our
neighborhood, hiking on the weekend, playing board games (especially Scrabble!),
going for a jog, biking (Jenny is learning!) and watching movies. We are also members
of a community garden, love to go to baseball games, museums, comedy events,
concerts and trying new restaurants.

Jenny is passionate about photography and frequently uses her free time to work on her
photobook project while Ian likes doing yard work and taking ceramic classes.
We love to travel and have been to Central America, Asia and Europe together.
Traveling gives us an opportunity to learn about different cultures, see beautiful places
and try wonderful new foods. We are so excited to have new adventures as a family of
three in some of our favorite places and to explore new places together.
Whatever we do, we always find ourselves laughing! We can’t wait to show our future
child all of the things that make life wonderful and have new experiences together as a
Personal Values:

Values We Will Teach Your Child:
• Treat others the way you want to be treated
• Leave places better than how you found them
• Learn from others
• Follow your dreams
• Laugh
• Find the good in people
• Try new foods
• Tell others you love them
• Be respectful and understanding
• Be kind


We value having an open adoption for our future child to know as much as they can
about their biological origin. We would love to stay connected and share photos of their
growth and important milestones. We want our future child to freely ask questions about
their birth parents and story. We hope to establish a connection with you by having
scheduled calls and/or in person visits.


As parents, we promise to:
• Give unconditional love, guidance and support
• Nurture your child and understand their individual needs and unique personality
• Make sure they know their entire life story starting with you and your selfless love for
• Give them every opportunity to follow their dreams
• Teach them to respect themselves and others
• Provide a safe, loving home and make your child our number one priority

In Closing:

We can’t wait to meet and get to know you! We will always make sure to provide a
loving home filled with new experiences, adventure, laughter and support for your child.
We believe that our future child should know their complete history and keeping an
open adoption is an integral part of knowing who they are. We promise to make your
child our number one priority and give them every opportunity in life. We can’t wait to be
parents and are so grateful that you are considering us!

To learn more about a family,
Call Vista Del Mar

(310) 836-1223 ext 281