Every Jewish Child Deserves a Jewish Education

Nes Gadol
(A Great Miracle)

A B’nei Mitzvah & Confirmation Program for children and teens of ALL abilities led by Rabbi Jackie Redner.

Enter into a sacred space of community where every class celebrates the unique gifts of each child. Multi-sensory, dynamic, and experiential in its approach, Nes Gadol deepens Jewish identity, nurtures spiritual growth, builds confidence and character, and cultivates life-long friendships.

Our B'nei Mitzvah Sharing Program offers neuro-typical students and students with special needs the life-changing opportunity to partner together in the journey of becoming B'nei Mitzvah - learning the values of wonder and appreciation of difference - while sharing the gifts of inclusion within the larger community as teachers and advocates for social change.

Private tutoring also available.

Classes are held on Sundays and Mondays in Vista's on-campus synagogue: 3200 Motor Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90034

Comuníquese con Loren Schwartz para obtener más información

Janise, MADRE

“El método multisensorial del programa de Vida judía y su manera de involucrar y enaltecer a los niños permite a mi hijo la oportunidad de estar en un espacio donde se siente seguro, amado y dispuesto a aprender y compartir”.